26. Juli 2024
The Belgrade Platform for Promotion and Protection of the Environment was established following the International Conference on the Role of Ombudspersons in Environmental Protection held on 13 and 14 June 2024 in Belgrade, organized by the Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia, supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia.
26. Juli 2024
The Commissioner for Fundamental Rights of Hungary hosted the experts of the European Commission monitoring the management of the external Schengen borders of the EU in his Office on 4 June 2024.
26. Juli 2024
Dos jóvenes fueron abordados por la calle por su perfil racial para hacer de figurantes en una rueda de reconocimiento. El Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya concluyó que la actuación policial no tenía suficientes garantías jurídicas y pidió una revisión.
26. Juli 2024
London Borough of Tower Hamlets has agreed to review the way it allocates properties after the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman uncovered it had a long backlog in processing applications to join its housing register. The discovery came when the Ombudsman investigated how the council handled an application from a woman who was resident in its area.
26. Juli 2024
The European Ombudsman strongly regrets the European Commission’s refusal to follow her recommendation to give greater public access to four documents related to the drawing up of proposed legislation to combat child sexual abuse.
26. Juli 2024
The Ombudsman of Sint Maarten recently published the 2023-year report. In 2023 there were a total of 367 complaints handled of which 43 resulted in a report by the Ombudsman.
26. Juli 2024
La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México (CDHCM) hace eco de las líneas estratégicas signadas en el Decenio Internacional de los Afrodescendientes (Reconocimiento, Justicia y Desarrollo); y el énfasis que se pone en que estas deben contemplar específicamente líneas para las mujeres.
25. Juli 2024
The Office of the Ombudsman in Malawi has taken to Kasungu for two-week Mobile Accountability Clinics. The clinics are a proactive mechanism that the Office of the Ombudsman uses to take the Office to the people reaching the heart of communities in the rural areas or areas that are far from the main office.
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