IOI – Connecting Public Service
Ombudsmen Globally

The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) presents its Annual Report for the membership year 2023/2024. The report gives account of the main projects, developments and achievements made in the past membership year and it is now available in all three languages of the IOI.
The inaugural International Ombudsman Summit 2024, hosted by the Office of The Ombudsman, Hong Kong, was held on 3 December. The Summit coincided with the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Office. To celebrate this important milestone, the 35th Anniversary Reception was also held in the evening.
On Wednesday, 13 November, at the National Congress, the Federal Public Defenders’ Office (DPU) called for greater recognition of the plight of women who, as victims of domestic violence, are accused of international child abduction. Federal Public Defender Daniela Brauner participated in two public hearings held at the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, addressing the application of the Hague Convention in cases where Brazilian mothers return to Brazil with their children after fleeing domestic violence.