5. Juli 2024
La gestión de Mario Decara como Defensor del Pueblo provincial terminó el 2 de julio. El Defensor Adjunto Carlos Galoppo queda a cargo de la institución, que seguirá con el curso normal de sus actividades.
5. Juli 2024
The Caribbean and Latin American region of the IOI, one of the six regions, elected the Ombudsman of Curaçao, Mr. Keursly Concincion, as its Regional President on June, 25th 2024. Mr. Concincion was the only candidate standing for the position. The current appointment is for four years.
5. Juli 2024
The NSW Ombudsman has released the special report Protecting children at risk: an assessment of whether the Department of Communities and Justice is meeting its core responsibilities. On 5 July 2024, it was tabled in Parliament.
4. Juli 2024
The last week of June marks World Whistleblower Day and Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier says he is very heartened to know that people seem to feel more comfortable about reporting issues. In 2022/2023 the Chief Ombudsman received 128 protected disclosures and enquiries, which was an 80% increase from the previous year (with 71 received in 2021/22).
4. Juli 2024
The Ombudsman, Mr Jack Chan, presented the 2023/24 Annual Report of the Office of The Ombudsman to the public on 3 July 2024.
4. Juli 2024
In a significant move to promote administrative justice and civic responsibilities, the Sindh Ombudsman has launched the 2nd Brand Ambassador Programme workshop at Sindh Madressatul Islam University on 28 July 2024. The programme, supported by the regional subsidy of the International Ombudsman Institute, aims to bridge the gap between the Ombudsman office and the community, fostering good governance, transparency, and accountability.
4. Juli 2024
The Public Protector South Africa issued on 30 June 2024 its reports based on the investigations it had conducted in the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year.


4. Juli 2024
Kindly click here to read the main output of the keynote of the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Mohamed Benalilou, during the High Level Panel on "Public access and inclusivity: developing strategic initiative to raise awareness on the role of Ombudsman and mediator institutions in the promotion and protection of Human Rights, good governance and the rule of law", held at the UN General Assembly Headquarters in New York on May 22nd, 2024 in implementation of the Article 11 of the UN GA Resolution 77/224 on "the Role of Ombudsman and mediatior institutions in the promotion and protection of Human Rights, good governance and the rule of law", issued on December 15th 2022.