6. März 2024
In a new report, Ombudsperson Jay Chalke calls on the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) to address problematic road legislation that has real-life consequences for many British Columbians.
6. März 2024
In her report Investigation into healthcare provision for Aboriginal people in Victorian prisons tabled on 6 March 2024, Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass finds the lack of input by Victoria’s First Nations people into healthcare policy in prisons is having devastating effects on the health outcomes for them.
6. März 2024
On 3 March 2022, the Ombudsman Commission received a Complaint regarding the alleged delay in the transfer of the title for a deceased estate and overcharging of administrative fees by the office of the Public Trustee of Papua New Guinea. It was alleged that the Office of the Public Trustee had charged excessive fees and had delayed the transfer of a title of a deceased estate to the beneficiaries.
6. März 2024
La Defensora del Pueblo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, María Rosa Muiños, participó de la audiencia pública convocada por la Secretaría de Energía de la Nación, que determinará los criterios por los cuales un hogar recibirá o no subsidios parciales o totales a los servicios de gas y luz.
6. März 2024
El Senado de la República, el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) y el Defensor del Pueblo, celebraron el evento “Aventura de una Constitución”, que busca impulsar la educación cívica para que los niños conozcan sus derechos y deberes.
6. März 2024
National institutions for human rights, such as the Ombudsman institution in Croatia, play a key role in realizing the fundamental rights of citizens and in promoting EU values: fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law. This role was recognized and further strengthened with the help of the project “Supporting National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) in monitoring fundamental rights and the fundamental rights aspects of the rule of law “.
6. März 2024
Le 27 février 2024, le Défenseur des droits a publié les résultats d’une étude menée auprès des policiers et des gendarmes sur leurs attitudes vis-à-vis des relations avec la population, de la déontologie et des instances de contrôle interne et externe. Confiée à des chercheurs du Centre de recherches sociologiques sur le droits et les institutions pénales et du laboratoire Pacte avec le soutien du Défenseur des droits et du Centre de recherche de l’École des officiers de la gendarmerie nationale, cette étude conforte les recommandations portées par la Défenseure des droits.
1. März 2024
From 3 to 5 January 2024, Control Yuan Members Wen-cheng Lin and Chung-cheng Pu conducted a circuit supervision traveling to Taitung and Hualien Counties to gain a deeper understanding of South-Link Medical Foundation, rural health resources, promotion of home health care, and holistic health care practices, as well as cultural heritage restoration.