19. September 2024
Almost half a million pounds in compensation has been secured following investigations by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for people wrongly denied payment by the Windrush Compensation Scheme.
19. September 2024
By 1 September, each year, the Althingi Ombudsman submits his annual report to Althingi on activities in the previous year. An excerpt of the annual report in English has now, for the second time, been made available online. The excerpt contains several main points of some of the most important cases dealt with in 2023, statistical information and the OPCAT summary.
19. September 2024
The Chief Ombudsman’s latest self-initiated investigations into official information practices will include two council-controlled organisations for the first time. Peter Boshier has announced investigations of Auckland Transport and Wellington Water along with the Wellington City Council, Queenstown Lakes District Council and Marlborough District Council.
19. September 2024
Según la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México, en el Día Nacional de las Mujeres con Discapacidad es oportuno visibilizar la brecha de desigualdad y discriminación que aún persiste en ese grupo de atención prioritaria. Ejemplo de lo anterior, es el uso y aprovechamiento de las nuevas tecnologías y sistemas de inteligencia artificial.
19. September 2024
On Tuesday, 3 September 2024, the Federal Public Defenders' Office (DPU), the Attorney General's Office (AGU), and the National Association of Federal Public Defenders (Anadef) took part in a public hearing at the Federal Senate. The session aimed to discuss and present the results of the ‘Caravan of Rights: Reconstruction of Rio Grande do Sul’ programme.
12. September 2024
Based on the initiative of Commissioner for Fundamental Rights Dr. Ákos Kozma, the agencies and organizations – such as the Hungarian Prison Service, the Police and the state-owned forest enterprises – participating in the renovation and refurbishment-related programme aimed at several residential child care communities donated school supplies to the residents of these facilities, including the ones that had been renovated through mutual effort.
12. September 2024
The Ombudsman has encouraged the Council of the European Union to assess whether its guidance for corporate sponsorship of its rotating presidency is effective at mitigating potential conflicts of interest and reputational risks for the EU, and to explore possible measures to help mitigate these risks.
12. September 2024
El Síndic de Greuges de la Comunitat Valenciana, Ángel Luna, lamenta que la Conselleria de Educación no haya concretado qué medidas va a adoptar para aliviar la desigualdad de los escolares en situación de vulnerabilidad social, tal y como recomienda exhaustivamente la institución que preside.