1. März 2024
M. Mohamed BENALILOU, Médiateur du Royaume, a participé, les 23 et 24 février 2023, aux travaux de la conférence internationale organisée à Tachkent, capitale de l'Ouzbékistan, sur le thème "Les droits de l'homme, facteur essentiel du développement durable des États".
1. März 2024
La síndica de greuges de Cataluña, Esther Giménez-Salinas, y el adjunto general, Jaume Saura, han entregado a presidenta del Parlamento, Anna Erra, el Informe del Mecanismo Catalán para la Prevención de la Tortura correspondiente al año 2023.
29. Februar 2024
On 28 February 2024, the Chief Ombudsman published his opinion on a complaint from Deaf Aotearoa, a service provider and advocacy organisation for the Deaf community, about the Ministry’s New Zealand Sign Language in education strategy. Mr Boshier says the Ministry of Education acted unreasonably when it failed to ensure its strategy for progressing access to education in New Zealand Sign Language included specific ways to achieve its goals.
29. Februar 2024
The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission carries out fact-finding investigations into hiring processes of public service-related organizations for 2024, in conjunction with a total of 228 supervisory agencies, including 40 central administrative agencies, such as the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Interior and Safety, and 180 local governments, such as Seoul Metropolitan City.
29. Februar 2024
El Defensor del Pueblo, Pablo Ulloa, afirmó que es impostergable que se le preste atención al sistema penitenciario de la República Dominicana ya que muchos privados de libertad carecen de atención que garanticen sus derechos y estos centros siguen siendo lugares de origen de crímenes y delitos.
29. Februar 2024
Para la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de la Ciudad de México no es menor el impacto que la violencia de género tiene en las víctimas, a lo que se suma más violencia cuando existe victimización secundaria en cualquier ámbito: institucional, laboral, familiar, social o mediático.
29. Februar 2024
A European Ombudsman inquiry into Frontex’s role in search and rescue operations has shown that the current rules leave the EU’s Border and Coast Guard Agency unable fully to fulfil its fundamental rights obligations and too reliant on Member States to act when boats carrying migrants are in distress.
29. Februar 2024
BC’s Ombudsperson is pleased government has finally apologized for the detention of Doukhobor children in the 1950s and welcomed the Premier’s commitment to further work with the Doukhobor community on the compensation package.