29. Februar 2024
The Ombudsman has released his second report regarding the sexualized abuse at Hidden Valley Elementary School (HVES), which evaluates the Department of Education’s Safer Schools Action Plan.
29. Februar 2024
The Office of the Ombudsman on 21 February 2024, organized an engagement meeting with media in Malawi to give them an update on systemic investigations it has been doing for the past two years into the implementation of the Affordable Input Program (AIP), whose report will soon be released.
29. Februar 2024
Leonardo Cardoso de Magalhães has been inaugurated as the new Federal Public Defender-General of Brazil, following a democratic selection process involving the confidential votes by all DPU members and formal confirmation by the Parliament. His inauguration took place at the Palácio do Planalto, the official workplace of the President of Brazil, in Brasília. 
29. Februar 2024
El 23 de febrero de 2024, el Defensor del Pueblo, Ángel Gabilondo, se reunió en Santa Cruz de Tenerife con el presidente de Canarias, Fernando Clavijo, con quien analizó la situación migratoria en el archipiélago. La consejera de Bienestar Social, Igualdad, Juventud, Infancia y Familia, María Candelaria Delgado, también estuvo presente en la reunión.
23. Februar 2024
A key highlight of the Second International Ombuds Expo, which will take place in Gaborone, Botswana, from 29 July to 2 August 2024, will be a Special Celebration of Pioneers of Ombud, Human Rights and other related Oversight Institutions. Its significance is aptly captured by an old African saying: ‘If we stand tall, it is because we stand on the back of those who came before us’. Registrations for the event are still open.
22. Februar 2024
Habitant en Province de Liège, Mme S. se plaint que depuis quelques semaines son habitation est survolée à basse altitude par des avions cargo. Elle s’inquiète également du développement de l’aéroport, craignant que les nuisances s’accentuent. Le Médiateur interpelle la SOWAER à propos des griefs formulés par Mme S. 
22. Februar 2024
El 19 de febrero de 2024, la síndica de greuges de Cataluña, Esther Giménez-Salinas, firmó un convenio de colaboración con la presidenta del Grupo Europeo de Magistrados por la Mediación de España (GEMME), Carme Guil.
22. Februar 2024
In 2022, the restrictive measures taken to control the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic were lifted. The lifting of these measures is directly reflected in the volume of cases the Mechanism was asked to investigate in the previous year.  Now, the Greek Ombudsman has released a Special Report on the National Mechanism for the Investigation of Arbitrary Incidents (EMIDIPA).