Latin America | IOI expresses support for colleagues in four Latin-American countries

The International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) expresses its great concern regarding the negative statements and damaging remarks Ombudsman colleagues in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru currently face.

As the only global organization for the cooperation of 205 Ombudsman institutions all over the world, the IOI is committed to promoting the Ombudsman concept and strengthening Ombudsman institutions around the world.

Considering the recent developments in the Latin American Region, the IOI shares the concerns of partner organizations such as the Federation of Ibero-American Ombudsman (FIO), the Network for NHRIs in the American Continent (RIDNHCA) and the Association of Ombudsman in Argentina (ADPRA).

In a statement of support, the IOI expresses its solidarity for the work carried out by Ombudsman offices around the world and condemns the attacks against the Ombudsman of Bolivia, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru.

Strong and independent Ombudsman are a core element of every democracy and form an integral part of any state to ensure good governance and justice, as well as the protection and promotion of human rights. Weakening the Ombudsman not only restricts citizen’s rights, but also impacts the state’s compliance with international human rights obligations.

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