3. November 2023
On 4 November 2023, Marino Fardelli, the Ombudsman for the Lazio Region and President of the Italian Ombudsmen, will welcome his Polish counterparts, Mr. Marcin Wiacek, Commissioner for Human Rights in Poland, and Mr. Valeri Vachev, Deputy Commissioner for Human Rights in Poland, along with Mr. Zoran Pasalic, Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia, for an extraordinary meeting dedicated to civil defense and shared values.
3. November 2023
El 27 de octubre de 2023 el Defensor del Pueblo, Àngel Gabilondo, entregó a la presidenta de las Cortes Generales, Francina Armengol, del “Informe sobre abusos sexuales en el ámbito de la Iglesia católica y el papel de los poderes públicos, Una respuesta necesaria", dando cumplimiento a la encomienda recibida del Congreso de los Diputados tras la aprobación de una Proposición no de Ley (PNL), el 10 de marzo de 2022, que contó con el voto a favor de la mayoría de los grupos políticos de la Cámara Baja.
3. November 2023
El 19 de octubre de 2023, la síndica de greuges de Cataluña, Esther Giménez-Salinas, intervenió en el Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Manresa para presentar el informe de supervisión anual correspondiente al año 2022.
2. November 2023
On 27 October 2023, Mr. Somsak Suwansujarit, Chief Ombudsman of Thailand, received Mr. Virgilio da Silva Guterres, Ombudsman (Provedor) for Human Rights and Justice of Timor-Leste, during a courtesy visit to the Office of the Ombudsman of Thailand.
2. November 2023
The sixth Annual Ombud Day was celebrated recently all over the world, including Pakistan. A prestigious event was held at Lahore under the auspices of the Office of Ombudsman Punjab which was presided over by the Hon’ble Ombudsman Punjab Major Azam Suleman Khan (Retd) (Hilal-i-Imtiaz).
2. November 2023
In an effort to strengthen transparency and accountability mechanisms at grassroots level the Office of the Ombudsman conducted Mobile Accountability Clinics in Zomba District for two weeks. Through the mobile clinics platform, the Office takes its services to the communities to sensitize and empower people to identify and report suspected acts of Maladministration that are perpetrating injustices.
2. November 2023
On 30 October 2023, the NSW Ombudsman and Convenor of the NSW Child Death Review Team (CDRT) Paul Miller tabled the NSW Child Death Review Team Annual Report 2022-23 in Parliament.
2. November 2023
The Victorian Ombudsman marked its 50th anniversary on 30 October 2023, and to celebrate this milestone a report outlining its history had been tabled in Parliament on 31 October 2023. "Watchdog for the People | 50 Years of the Victorian Ombudsman" tracked the fascinating social, political and historical context for the establishment of the Victorian Ombudsman as well as the evolution of the Office and its powers.