FIO | Declaration of Mexico City on Migration and Human Rights

The members of the Ibero-American Federation Ombudsman (Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman, FIO) – aware of the challenges faced by persons involved in migrations processes – adopted a declaration on migration and human rights.

The Declaration of Mexico City emphasizes the concerns of the institutions which are part of FIO in respect to migratory flows and identifies ways forward to strengthen the protection and promotion of the human rights of migrants, as well as the cooperation between Ombudsman institutions. Moreover, it addresses recommendations to the States and calls upon the media to assume a responsible attitude towards migration.

The members of FIO, aware of the challenges faced by persons involved in migrations processes, particularly persons in vulnerable situations, are fully committed to reinforcing the human rights perspective on the migration phenomenon.


Source: Federación Iberoamericana del Ombudsman (FIO)

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