IOI | Best Practice Paper on securing effective change

The 2nd issue of the IOI’s Best Practice Paper series deals with the question of how to secure effective change. It draws on the experience of IOI member institutions and highlights ways of working that are most likely to bring about a successful outcome and make recommendations that result in sustainable improvements to public administration.

Every Ombudsman Office has two core functions: resolving injustices suffered by individuals and improving public services through learning from the investigations it undertakes. In order to ensure that this happens, it is essential that changes recommended to public service providers have been implemented and that they have secured the desired outcome.

The 2nd Issue of the IOI’s Best Practice Papers series has been informed by an initial research undertaken by the Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland. It includes feedback and expertise from Ombudsman offices around the world and also draws upon other written sources. A special thanks is given to Ms Emer Doyle in the Irish Ombudsman’s Office for her work in researching this paper.

In line with the intention and objective of this new publication series, this paper is to be considered as guidance material to address the key features which inform strong and independent control mechanisms. It is not intended to be exhaustive and designed to be further developed, whenever Ombudsman institutions will have to adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

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