IOI | 4th NPM Workshop – Save the Date!

4th IOI Workshop for NPMs

“Strengthening the follow-up on NPM recommendations”

Copenhagen, Denmark

7 – 9 November 2018


Over the past years the IOI has developed several training programmes that cater to the specific needs of member institutions which also hold a preventive human rights mandate according to OPCAT and act as National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in their respective countries.


Save the date for the IOI’s 4th Workshop for NPMs


The workshop will be generously hosted by the Office of the Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman, and take place in Copenhagen (Denmark) from 7 – 9 November 2018.

NPMs need to develop strategies in order to achieve maximum impact. However, NPMs also operate under different conditions and contexts and therefore face a variety of challenges that call for a diverse set of solutions.

Taking this reality into account, our next workshop does not aim at providing a general set of strategies applicable for all NPMs. Instead, it rather aims at offering a platform for mutual exchange among practitioners.


The 4th edition of the IOI’s NPM Workshops will put a focus on the topic of NPM recommendations and will specifically deal with activities such as:

  • How to draft effective recommendations;

  • How to follow-up and assess the implementation of recommendations;

  • How to track progress (i.e. systematization of recommendations and responses).


Call for contributions

Together with our facilitators from the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT) we would already now like to invite you to start thinking about what good practices from your institution you would like to share with the other participants. We would appreciate if you could indicate to the IOI General Secretariat if you would like to make a contribution during the training by the end of August 2018

Please see an outline of the objectives of the workshop and a draft programme further down below.

More details on registration, practical information and the availability of scholarships will be brought to you in due course.

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