GREECE | The Greek Ombudsman publishes new report on the challenges of migratory flows and refugee protection

The Report “The Challenge of Migratory Flows and Refugee Protection - Reception Conditions and Procedures” focuses on the conditions and administrative procedures for the reception of applicants for international protection. The edition is material based on reports from on-site inspections at Controlled Access Facilities for Temporary Accommodation of Asylum Seekers, carried out by Senior Investigators of the Greek Ombudsman.

This publication is one of the actions under the project “Providing fundamental rights expertise to stakeholders operating in Greek migration and asylum system”. The project benefits from a co-funding from the EEA Grants (funding period 2014-2021), which represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe, and national funding.

Kindly refer to the download section below to read the report.


Source: The Greek Ombudsman

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