IOI | REMINDER: Best Practice Paper on securing effective change

The 2nd Issue of the IOI’s new Best Practice Paper series deals with effective Ombudsman recommendations and how to ensure that these recommendations bring about sustainable improvements.

The content of this paper draws on the experience of IOI member institutions, which were collected in an initial research thankfully undertaken by the Office of the Ombudsman of Ireland. It incorporates working methods which are most likely to ensure successful outcomes and gives an interesting cross-section sample of practices from the different IOI regions.

Following the process put in place for the 1st Best Practice Paper, the IOI would like to bring a circulation draft of the 2nd paper to the attention of the wider Ombudsman community and to invite input from fellow Ombudsman, partner organisations and the academia to ensure that the paper considers a wide range of best practices.

You are encouraged to suggest your approach in this matter, to give examples of best practices in the field of effective recommendations and to suggest additions to the draft paper, so we can ensure that it is useful and relevant for colleagues all over the world.

Your comments and input are highly appreciated and can be sent to the IOI General Secretariat until 15 January 2018. The IOI is looking forward to you active contribution and to reading your input and remarks!

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