South Africa | Western Cape Police Ombudsman Annual Performance Report 2019/2020

The Western Cape Police Ombudsman (WCPO) seeks to enhance the efficiency of police services and improve relations between the police and communities by investigating complaints of police inefficiency and/or by investigating any breakdown of relations between the police and communities in the Western Cape.

The Ombudsman conducts inquiries and investigations in an impartial manner and free from bias and conflict of interest. Whilst the office of the Police Ombudsman is established in the Department of Community Safety of the Western Cape  Provincial Government in terms of Section 10(1), its independence and impartiality is guaranteed by section 14(1) of the Western Cape Community Safety Act of 2013, which states:

“The Ombudsman and staff members of the Ombudsman must serve independently and impartially and must perform their functions in good faith and without fear, favour, bias or prejudice, subject to the Constitution and the law”.

The mandate is limited to the investigation of complaints of inefficiencies against members of the South African Police Service (SAPS) in the Western Cape and members of the Cape Town Metro Police Department (CTMPD). The Ombudsman strongly believes in accountability and therefore publicly accounts for its operations by publishing the decisions and information about complaints and performance targets in this report. The Annual Performance Report contains a detailed and informative reflection of the WCPO's performance in terms of:

  • the numbers and types of complaints we received
  • and their outcomes
  • systemic problems arising from complaints
  • significant case studies from complaints investigated
  • the management and mitigation of risks
  • budget management
  • outreach campaigns and marketing.

The WCPO investigated two more comprehensive, complex and systemic complaints during this financial year. The Ombudsman wants to thank the public as well as human rights organisations and especially the residents from the two affected areas for the overwhelming response it received. The WCPO will continue to raise its standards in order to enhance its service to the communities of the Western Cape and trust that they will be able to make a change in the lives of more people.


Source: Western Cape Police Ombudsman

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