AUSTRIA | Twinning Project: Albanian Ombudsman institution visits the Austrian Ombudsman Board

Within the framework of the EU-funded Twinning project "Support of the Albanian Ombudsman institution and promotion of human rights in Albania" in cooperation with the Austrian Ombudsman Board (AOB) and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Fundamental and Human Rights, members of the Albanian Ombudsman institution undertook a study visit to Vienna from 28 to 29 March 2023.

In the course of this exchange, the delegation was introduced to the various departments of the AOB and thus traced the process that a complaint has to go through from the moment it is received until it is settled. The AOB also demonstrated to the delegation how to use its electronic file management system in order to assist in the digitalization process of the case management system of the Albanian Ombudsman institution.

Another focus of the visit was the explanation of the public relations work of the AOB. Among other things, the delegation was given an insight into the TV program Bürgeranwalt („Advocate for the People“) and the necessary preparatory work was outlined.

The final part of the study visit was the presentation on the preventive control of the AOB, which was met with great interest by the delegation.


Source: The Austrian Ombudsman Board

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