ANGOLA | The Angolan Ombudsman and the Reinforcement of Cooperation with the Federal Public Prosecutor for the Rights of Citizens in Brazil

As part of the reinforcement of Cooperation in matters of Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees of Citizens, the Honorable Ombudsman of Angola, Dr Florbela Araújo, traveled to Brasília for a working meeting with the Honorable Federal Prosecutor for the Rights of Citizens of Brazil, Dr Carlos Alberto Vilhena, on the 3rd of April, in which the two entities established the bases for the signing of a Cooperation Agreement, which should focus on the exchange of knowledge in the field of action, attributions and limits of the Ombudsman of Justice.

The Honorable Ombudsman of Angola, chaired a clarification session on “the Role, Function of the Ombudsman in the Defense of Citizens’ Rights, the organization and functioning of the Ombudsman of Justice of Angola, and also had the presentation of the Public Prosecutor Federal for the Rights of the Citizen of Brazil, on “the Role of the Structure of the Federal Prosecutor's Office System for Citizens' Rights and the Role of the Brazilian Ombudsman.

At this meeting, they also shared experiences on “good practices in Brazil in matters of Procedural Processing and Handling of Citizens' Complaints, as well as the exchange of experiences in matters related to the defense and guarantees of Citizens.


Source: Provedoria de Justiça de la República de Angola

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