ISRAEL-IOI | Re-watch our webinar on Covid-19 with contributions from around the globe

On 24 November 2020, the State Comptroller and Ombudsman of Israel, under the auspices of the IOI, held an international webinar on the theme "Covid-19 and the Ombudsperson - Rising to the Challenge of a Pandemic". This webinar brought together over 2,500 Ombudspersons and colleagues from 47 countries around the globe.

What did we learn from this webinar?

The crisis has acted as a springboard for peer learning, as well as for improving and adapting the service we provide to the public. Many of us have been courageously protecting the rights of the individual, especially of vulnerable people. Increased use of online means by public sector bodies and complaint investigators worldwide has enhanced the ongoing activity of Ombudsman institutions.

We can learn from each other how to advise and influence government decision-making processes - each of us within the framework of our authority. By joining forces we can promote the protection of individuals' rights, with the IOI playing a central role.




Video interventions from Ombudspersons across the globe

Due to time constraints we could not broadcast all the video clips received. So, as promised, further down below you can find the links to 18 video interventions (in alphabetic order by country), which we were not able to show live during the webinar. This also includes a recording of the presentation of Ms Victoria Pearman, Regional President of the IOI’s Caribbean & Latin America Region, who unfortunately, could not share her words with us due to technical problems.


Source: Office of the State Comptroller & Ombudsman, Israel

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