AUSTRALIA | Queensland Ombudsman presents Annual Report 2019-20

Improving the quality of public administration


The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman’s annual report for 2019-20 demonstrated how the work of the Office is improving public administration in Queensland. This year, the Office made 244 recommendations to public sector agencies to improve administrative practices and 100% of recommendations were accepted

Queensland Ombudsman Anthony Reilly said Office’s investigations into complaints checked to see if there was unfairness in decision-making; and, if there was, what could be done to fix the problem.

Our recommendations can mean both a direct benefit to individual who made the complaint and an improvement in public administrative systems – this year 48% of all investigative recommendations related to systemic improvements”, Mr Reilly said.

The Office continued its strong focus on delivering training and advisory services to help ensure public sector officers have the skills and knowledge to make fair decisions.

“Despite training being limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, over the past year the Office trained 2,785 officers in topics such as good decision-making, complaints management and public interest disclosure management, “ Mr Reilly said.

The Office released two significant public reports in 2019-20. The Forensic Disability Service report recommended significant changes to administration and the management of care for people detained at the facility. The Management of child safety complaints - second report, recommended improvements to the department’s complaints management system. The Office’s management of complaints makes an important contribution to the objects of the Human Rights Act 2019. During 2019-20, the Office reviewed its processes and practices to ensure compliance with the obligations under that Act – including the application of those rights to decisions about complaints.

The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman’s annual report provides information and statistics about the Office’s three main areas of responsibility: independent investigation of administrative actions of public sector agencies; training and advisory services to improve public administration; and oversight of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010.

The Office deals with complaints about the actions and decisions of state government departments and agencies (including state schools and TAFE colleges), local councils and public universities. 

Key facts In 2019-20:

  • 180,000 visits to our website, including 114,000 visits to information about options for making a complaint
  • 11,074 people contacted us directly for help 
  • 7,204 complaint assessments completed
  • 1,140 investigations finished with 89% completed within targeted timeframes
  • 244 recommendations made to agencies to improve public administration and 100% of recommendations were accepted 
  • 2,785 public sector officers took part in Ombudsman training sessions


Source: The Office of the Queensland Ombudsman

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