AUSTRALIA | Own motion investigation on preventing suicide by children and young people

The Ombudsman has tabled in Parliament the report of a major own motion investigation, Preventing suicide by children and young people 2020. The report is comprised of three volumes: Volume 1 an executive summary; Volume 2 an examination of the steps taken to give effect to the recommendations arising from the report of the Ombudsman’s 2014 major own motion investigation, Investigation into ways that State government departments and authorities can prevent or reduce suicide by young people (the 2014 Investigation); and Volume 3, the report of the Ombudsman’s 2020 major own motion investigation, Investigation into ways that State government departments and authorities can prevent or reduce suicide by children and young people (the 2020 Investigation).

The report found that steps have been taken, or are proposed to be taken (or both), for each of the 22 recommendations arising from the findings of the 2014 Investigation, as set out in Volume 2.

The 2020 Investigation examines what is known about suicide and self-harm by Western Australian children and young people, the research literature, current strategic frameworks, and data obtained during the Ombudsman’s investigation. Significantly, it also collates State-wide suicide and self-harm data relating to Western Australian children and young people over the 9 years from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2018 for the first time, including: deaths by suicide; and hospital admissions and emergency department attendances for self-harming and suicidal behaviour. Arising from the findings of the 2020 Investigation, the Ombudsman made seven recommendations to four government agencies about preventing suicide by children and young people, including the development of a suicide prevention plan for children and young people to focus and coordinate collaborative and cooperative State government efforts. The Ombudsman is very pleased that each agency has agreed to these recommendations.

“These recommendations are notable not by their number, but by the fact that we have sought to make highly targeted, achievable recommendations regarding critical issues. Further we have ensured that the recommendations do not duplicate the work of other investigations and inquiries,” said Mr Field.

“The new information gathered, presented and comprehensively analysed in the 2020 Investigation will be, I believe, a very valuable repository of knowledge for government agencies, non-government organisations and other institutions in the vital work that they undertake in developing and assessing the efficacy of future suicide prevention efforts in Western Australia,” said Mr Field.

“The 115 children and young people who died by suicide considered as part of my 2014 and 2020 Investigations will not be forgotten by their parents, siblings, extended family, friends, classmates and communities. I extend my deepest personal sympathy to all that continue to grieve their immeasurable loss,” said Mr Field.

“It is my sincerest hope that the extensive new information in this report about suicide by children and young people, and its recommendations, will contribute to preventing these most tragic deaths in the future,” said Mr Field.


Source: Office of the Ombudsman Western Australia

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