IOI | IOI President participates in a formal bilateral exchange with the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Mohamed Benalilou

IOI President Field’s third day in Morocco provided a very welcome opportunity for a formal bilateral exchange with the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Mohamed Benalilou.

The day commenced with a tour of the extraordinary site of the Royal Mausoleum of King Mohammed V, with a very large number of structures extant from the 12th century, including the Hassan Tower. From here, the President visited the Kasbah of the Udayas, overlooking the Bou Regreg River, the Atlantic Ocean, the city of Salé and its stunning Andalusian gardens.

Following a formal bilateral exchange with the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco, the President undertook a press conference and toured the office of the Mediator. The President was given the great honour of signing a very large framed replica of the postage stamp commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Institution that sits proudly in their foyer and also bears the signatures of the Mediator and the Director General of the Barid Al-Maghrib.

“The Mediator and I discussed the UN Resolution on the role of ombudsman and mediator institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights, good governance and the rule of law. We particularly discussed the vital work that the Institution of the Mediator has done in partnership with Morocco’s Permanent Mission to the UN in New York to advocate for, and adopt, the resolution. We also discussed further opportunities for membership of Arab countries within the IOI and the adoption of Arabic as one of the official languages of the IOI. The Mediator and I also discussed the IOI’s application for Observer Status with the UN and the Kingdom of Morocco’s support for this application” said President Field.


Source: The Office of the IOI President and Western Australian Ombudsman 


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