Canada | Dealing fairly with unreasonable conduct by complainants

The Alberta Ombudsman has developed a guide to assist public authorities in managing unreasonable complainant conduct fairly and determining when it may be appropriate to restrict communication. 

Included in the guide, are 10 Tips for Dealing with Unreasonable Conduct by Complainants, a set of principles that offer strategies for interacting with individuals exhibiting challenging behaviour.

Complaints have value, and when channeled effectively, offer municipalities the opportunity to improve operations, standards, and service delivery. However, when Ombudsman investigators contact municipal administrators, occasionally they receive feedback that a particular complainant is unreasonable and consumes a disproportionate amount of time and resources.

Administrators ask how they can avoid allowing the person to impose an undue burden on the organization. Some complainant behaviours can pose a risk to day-to-day operations and the wellbeing of staff.

Please find the guide in the download section below.

Source: Office of the Alberta Ombudsman, Canada


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