CONTROL YUAN, TAIWAN | Control Yuan Members Conduct Circuit Supervision with Focus on Rural Healthcare and Cultural Heritage Renovation

From 3 to 5 January 2024, Control Yuan Members Wen-cheng Lin and Chung-cheng Pu conducted circuit supervision traveling to Taitung and Hualien Counties to gain a deeper understanding of South-Link Medical Foundation, rural health resources, promotion of home health care, and holistic health care practices, as well as cultural heritage restoration. 

On the first day, 3 January, the pair first received people’s complaints in Taitung County and exchanged opinions with the county commissioner and county council speaker on various issues, including marketing strategies for agricultural products, encouraging young entrepreneurs to return to their homes in the county, and promotion of tourism in the post-pandemic era. On the following day, Lin and Pu paid a visit to Dawu Township Southern Link Health Center and Emergency Medical Care Center as well as South-Link Medical Foundation’s South-Link Clinic and Home Care Center. Expressing their interest in healthcare in remote areas and the urban-rural gap in both educational and long-term health care resources, the two Members expressed their hopes that more township health centers and medical facilities could be built in areas along the east coast with the aim to provide residents there the same healthcare services as urban areas enjoy, along with addressing the issue of local healthcare resource shortages.

That afternoon and on the following day, the Control Yuan Members visited Hualien County. In addition to receiving people’s complaints and listening to their appeals, they paid a visit to Japanese-style dormitories by the Meilun River (known as the General’s House) to gain a deeper understanding of ongoing efforts to renovate the building and its surroundings. A county-level historical site, the dormitories have undergone years of restoration and the renovation project is now in its final stage. Lin and Pu had great hopes that the site would attract tourists upon its opening to the public, thus helping to reinvigorate local tourism and the local economy.


Source: The Control Yuan, Taiwan

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