El nuevo director ejecutivo de AccessNow —una organización internacional sin fines de lucro que promueve la democracia digital y la libertad sin fronteras—, Alejandro Mayoral Baños, visitó la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos del Yuan de Control el 13 de noviembre de 2024. Durante el encuentro, la presidenta Chen Chu destacó que la conferencia anual RightsCon, organizada por AccessNow, se celebrará por primera vez en Asia Oriental, con Taiwán siendo su sede.
Dans son Rapport annuel 2023-2024 rendu public le 5 décembre 2024, le Commissaire aux services en français Carl Bouchard demande au ministère des Affaires francophones de rendre public un répertoire numérique complet des services couverts par la Loi sur les services en français (LSF), afin que les francophones puissent facilement les localiser et y accéder.
In June 2024, the Federal Tax Ombudsman Pakistan and the Institution of the Mediator of the Kingdom of Morocco, both IOI Members, signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the inaugural batch of the first International Internship Exchange Program.
Kindly click here to access the Spring 2024 Ombudsman Quarterly Review of the Office of the National Ombudsman New Zealand.
On Wednesday, 13 November, at the National Congress, the Federal Public Defenders’ Office (DPU) called for greater recognition of the plight of women who, as victims of domestic violence, are accused of international child abduction. Federal Public Defender Daniela Brauner participated in two public hearings held at the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, addressing the application of the Hague Convention in cases where Brazilian mothers return to Brazil with their children after fleeing domestic violence.
Le 28 novembre 2024, l’ombud des vétérans, colonel (à la retraite) Nishika Jardine, a remis la Mention élogieuse de l’ombud des vétérans 2024 à neuf récipiendaires au cours d’une cérémonie virtuelle. La Mention élogieuse sert à souligner et à honorer le dévouement, le travail acharné et la motivation altruiste d’une personne ou d’un groupe à l’égard des vétérans du Canada et de leur famille.
On 28 November 2024, the Veterans Ombud Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine presented nine 2024 Veterans Ombud Commendations to recipients at a virtual ceremony. The award recognizes and honours the dedication, hard work and selfless motivation of an individual or group's contribution to Canada's Veterans and their families.
In a series of unannounced visits to prominent educational institutions, Ombudsperson Punjab, Ms. Nabila Hakim Ali Khan, reinforced her commitment to ensuring a harassment-free environment for women. At King Edward Medical College, she evaluated the implementation and effectiveness of anti-harassment protocols. Her visit included interactions with faculty and staff to assess the institution’s adherence to preventive measures and policies safeguarding women.
La adjunta para la defensa de los derechos de los niños y adolescentes, Aida C. Rodríguez, acompañada por personal asesor del área de infancia, trasladó el jueves a la Generalitat de Cataluña las cinco propuestas que un grupo de jóvenes que viven en centros del sistema de protección catalán ha elaborado para mejorarlo y adaptarlo a sus necesidades.
The inaugural International Ombudsman Summit 2024, hosted by the Office of The Ombudsman, Hong Kong, was held on 3 December. The Summit coincided with the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Office. To celebrate this important milestone, the 35th Anniversary Reception was also held in the evening.